Brown, green, yellow. Less commonly pink, purple, orange, maroon, red, and blue. Multicolored shades of green or pink/purple and green are rare.
In the U.S., Vesuvianite is well-known at Crestmore, Riverside Co., California. The compact variety Californite comes from Pulga, Butte Co., California. Well-crystallized crystals come from Magnet Cove, Hot Spring Co., Arkansas; and brightly colored, lustrous crystals from the Belvidere Mountain quarries, Lowell/Eden, Orleans & Lamoille Cos., Vermont. Brown Vesuvianite comes from Joppa Hill, Amherst, Hillsborough Co., New Hampshire; and excellent dark crystals come from Maine at Sanford, York Co.; and at Casco, Cumberland Co.
The blue variety Cyprine comes from Franklin, Sussex Co., New Jersey; and from Øvstebø, Sauland, Telemark, Norway. Wiluite is described from the Vilyui River Basin, Yakutia, Russia.